It Is estimated, there are over a billion Personal
computers in the world. In developed countries they have an average life span
of only 2 years. In the United States are over 300 million obsolete computers.
Not only the developing countries have faced a steep rise in sales or moreover
wastage In this industry. the sales of computers and internet usage have gone
up by 400% in developing countries as well. As the digital divide narrows we
must address the question of disposal of large numbers of "end of
life" computers and other technology equipment. Also we can now understand That
this industry is globalizing at a fast rate an alarming rate or rather. All of
this is Because of development caused by globalization.
the Increasing of the Population is making this
problem bigger. If the amount of people increased the factories have to create more
and more devices to satisfy the needs of the society and of course it make the
amount of electronic garbage go up. You can
figure out of what’s going on for example in UE, where they have to throw their
garbage not in their own country, they have to take their garbage to other
countries like Ghana, where you can see a hole desert full of electronic
garbage and some devices still working or some parts can be used for make
something else.
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